Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rainy Days in San Jose

Sorry for the confusion about the blog.  The site has changed a bit and we did several blogs and they did not send to the web, even though we thought that they did. It is Wednesday and the rain began yesterday afternoon.  Looks to continue until next week.  Our plans for the weekend will probably change.  No need to go to the beach now.  We are all well and the new clinic will be beautiful.  
We had an MD come for a visit yesterday.  He is interested in working here for the next 14 months.  He will work with Tanya and Carmen and then the health committee will make a decision, based on their recommendations. 
Thanks for all of your prayers and support.  It sustains us all.  
Diane RN

It has been very rainy here in San Jose and we have been very busy. Sorry that we have not written since early in the week. Things are going well and we have accomplished alot. The work crew has been busy fixing up the new house next door and doing maintenance on the clinic building. JZ is working toward the goal of electricity here from a water source. We have a new stove in our new house, thanks to the folks from PESA.
The 3rd yr students did their exams today. Good luck to them.
We hope to go to El Negrito tomorrow for a festival.
A group of about 12 people will go to Ocote Paulina on Mon-Wed for a separate brigade to check for a possible new site.

The second group arrived yesterday afternoon--just before the rain started. The finishing work on the new clinic is in full swing despite the rain--the tiling on the floors is absolutely beautiful, and it is amazing to see new progress each time you walk by.

JZ has outfitted the showers with lighting, and is constructing new clotheslines. He has also installed a new and quiet generator.

Yesterday a group went out to homes in San Jose to evaluate the effectiveness of the water filters--good results have been seen with correct use and cleaning of the filters! Another group has gone up to Santa Lucia today to do some water testing there.


We are finishing up our first week down here in San Jose and I have to say, as a first time volunteer at Shoulder to Shoulder, I have really enjoyed my experience thus far. The way of life here and the people we are helping are so grateful for our assistance. It truly is refreshing. I also have to add that the children of this village are the most adorable kids I have ever seen! The line at the dental clinic is long as ever, which manages to keep my father very busy. He states, however, that despite the lack of regular dental care down here, that his patients' teeth are relatively healthy and strong. I myself, along with the other students and residents at the clinic, have managed to treat and see everything from common headaches and muscle pains to some cases of Dengue, bot flies, and CHF in a young boy. All in all, this has been a very rewarding experience and I'm sure only more great times await us next week.

-Traci Kazmerski