We are finishing up our first week down here in San Jose and I have to say, as a first time volunteer at Shoulder to Shoulder, I have really enjoyed my experience thus far. The way of life here and the people we are helping are so grateful for our assistance. It truly is refreshing. I also have to add that the children of this village are the most adorable kids I have ever seen! The line at the dental clinic is long as ever, which manages to keep my father very busy. He states, however, that despite the lack of regular dental care down here, that his patients' teeth are relatively healthy and strong. I myself, along with the other students and residents at the clinic, have managed to treat and see everything from common headaches and muscle pains to some cases of Dengue, bot flies, and CHF in a young boy. All in all, this has been a very rewarding experience and I'm sure only more great times await us next week.
-Traci Kazmerski
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