Cerro Prieto Trip
Today was a very busy day. The A team plus a few others (Suzanne, Gabe, Natalie, Jamie, Amy, Emily, Sharon, Shannon), the translator Medardo and health comittee members Don Fidel & Naomi all drove up to a village about 6 miles up the mountain with a casefull of medicines, vitamins, scabicides and lots and lots of energy. we had 3 spanish speakers which was the limiting factor. On the way up, we revisited a man with pneumonia who had been given antibiotics and tylenol last week. He was using the tylenol, but not the antibiotics, and not surprisingly, not feeling much better. He looked sick. we gave him a shot of rocephin to get things started and stressed the importance of the antibiotics.
Next we set up a clinic in the high school. About 10 students held class outside under the tree while we unpacked everything. Gabe and Amy gave an impromptu "sex ed" talk, since that was one of their current subjects. They asked if you could get pregnant by sitting on a toilet seat, and how to avoid getting leukemia. (there were others, but those were the only two that I heard).
I took a fwe hours for word to get out that we were at teh school, and soon there were plenty of patients to see. Several of the teenagers took a liking to Gabe. Most of our patients were children with complaints of fever, cough, runny nose, asthma, and concern for dengue fever. Many of the children, 9 years old and younger, came to the clinic on their own, without parents or other supervision. A group of 4 siblings and cousins aged 3,5,6 and 7 was brought in by the oldest sister who was 9.
Our group finished & packed and had a giddy ride back to the clinic in teh back of the truck. When we arrived, clinic was still full, so we jumped right in and helped see the last of the patients, finishing clinic 2 hours past closing time.
it's been so busy that we havn't had time for teh usual games with the kids, coloring or playing soccer. :(
Time for dinner!
-Suzanne A, MD. -Team Leader of the A team! (the best team ever!)
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